Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that recognises the skills, knowledge and experience you have gained through work experience, life experience, training courses and work based training.
RPL Online Self Assessment
If you already have any of the skills, knowledge and experience included in our training programs, you don’t have to do all the training again but can fast track to an assessment only pathway.
To see if you could request RPL for any unit, or a number of units, follow the steps below to undertake an initial, free self assessment.
Start Free Self-Assessment
The RPL Process
The RPL process is outlined below, however, if you require any further information do not hesitate to contact us.

Before undertaking an RPL, participants should review the listed tasks, skills and knowledge to determine whether they have current knowledge and skills in these areas by answering yes or no to each item.

Answer Question
If you have successfully completed the self-assessment and are deemed to be a good candidate for an RPL you will be given a series of questions to answer.

Upload Document
When you have completed your short answer questions you will be asked to upload relevant documents for each unit of competency.

Speak with our Assessor
Once you have uploaded your documents the final process is to meet with our assessor to go through your portfolio of evidence, have a competency conversation and finalise any paperwork.

Receive your Certificate
On the successful completion of previous 4 stages you will be rewarded with your Certificate.